3 Heart Problem Warning Signs to Observe When Your Pet Is Sleeping

Just like for humans, quality sleep is crucial for your dog or cat’s well-being, especially when it comes to their cardiovascular system. And while occasional sleep issues are common, we at Coast to Coast Cardiology know that consistently irregular sleep could be a sign of a heart problem.

That’s why, in this article, we’ll discuss what you should look for when your pet is sleeping, including tips on how to monitor them.

Sleep Warning Signs

While some dogs naturally sleep more than others, a sudden increase or decrease in sleep duration could be problematic, especially for dogs with heart disease.

Excessive daytime sleepiness or difficulty falling asleep at night could also indicate that your pet has an underlying heart issue. Other warning signs include:

Restlessness and Disrupted Sleep: Dogs with heart conditions, particularly congestive heart failure (CHF), may have trouble getting comfortable or staying asleep due to fluid buildup in the lungs. This can cause them to toss and turn, wake frequently, or even gasp for air during sleep.

  • What to do: Keep a log of your dog’s sleep duration and quality. Note any changes in sleep patterns, such as difficulty settling, restlessness, or waking frequently.

Sleep Position Changes: Dogs with CHF may prefer to sleep in an unusual position, like propped up on their elbows or with their head elevated, to improve their ability to breathe. This helps to open their airways and ease congestion.

Rapid Breathing During Sleep: While some panting during sleep is normal, especially after exercise or on hot days, consistently rapid or labored breathing during sleep can be a sign of a heart problem.

  • What to do: During calm sleep, count your dog’s breaths per minute. Consult your veterinarian for a baseline breathing rate specific to your dog’s breed and size, and monitor your dog’s breathing rate when they’re awake to compare.

Losing sleep over your pet’s heart health? Don’t hesitate to visit us at Coast to Coast Cardiology! We have ten different locations, but we deliver on one goal no matter what: treating the patient, not just the signs. To book an appointment, contact us online or call 844-582-3827 today.